Archive for November, 2011

Cast on, Cast off

I have been so wishy washy when it comes to my projects.  It is really driving me crazy!  A major part of my problem has been with recent weight loss and gain and I am working on the loss part again…do I really want to invest in the time to make a sweater?  So by the time I finish it it’s going to be too big?  Why in the hell is my stash so ginormous?  Oh yeah, because I keep buying and not making.  So…no more buying.  I might have to cheat when it comes to sock yarn, but I am working on knitting that down, too.

I’d like to think that by the time I do want to make a sweater for the new, slimmer me, I can afford some luxurious yarn or even something that just feels pretty to make me a smokin’ hot sweater.  For now though, I am going to knit myself a sweater.  I am actually 3 inches into it.  The February Fitted Pullover.  I was going through Ravelry and I found it and it screeeeamed “KNIT ME!!” to me.  I kept casting on and ripping out for the February Lady Sweater and now I realize why.  It would have been something I couldn’t wear, not with my body type.  I am a curvy gal and I think this sweater will look 200% times better on me.  I am using some Cotton Fleece in a navy blue that is really very pretty knitted up.  So…the little projects, I am going to keep them coming.  This is going to be my big project for now though.  Even fat girls deserve to feel pretty!

Promise pictures.  Very soon.

Some quickies.

Has it really been 6 months since I have updated?  Ugh, so much for being consistent.  Part of the problem was I lost my mojo in the hugest way possible and have just regained it.  What is there to post when you don’t log into Ravelry or even look at your yarn for months on end?  For the first time ever I was NOT up to date on the new patterns hitting Ravelry.  I just had no…drive.  For lots of reasons I will keep to myself.  The good, the bad and the ugly are NOT all to be posted on my blog, in my opinion.  Just the cast on, the knitted, and maybe some of the kiddo and I.

I was going to the gym a lot and I lost some weight.  I was so excited about it, but I have been playing a ‘find the right meds for Jaimie’ game and the weight came back.  I was bummed.  And I didn’t want to knit because the things I had been working on were sweaters that were going to be too tight to wear now.  And I haven’t been going to the gym as much.  Etc, etc, etc.  I ended up ripping everything out in a fit of frustration and tried to make something that would fit me now.  Then I thought…but what if I DO lose the weight again…this won’t fit!  So rip again.  I have resorted to knitting accessory type stuff.  The quickness works for what lately has been a very impatient person, plus who doesn’t love instant gratification?  I knit in one day Vickie Howell’s Cover Cowl, and I started the Star Crossed Slouchy Beret yesterday and just cast off on it before I went to sleep.  CUTE…HOLY CUTENESS.  And such a quick knit.  If want to make one of these out of cotton or something so I can wear it when the weather is warmer.  This is an alpaca blend that sheds so badly but it soft and I know it will keep my noggin warm this winter.  Once the sun comes out I will take pictures of both.  Man do I love quick winter knits!