Archive for September, 2010
Date : September 13th, 2010Category : Jibber Jabber, KnittingAuthor : jawsie
I have knit socks on size 1 and 2 needles, yes, but when it comes to bigger garments, even BABY garments, I shy away from the smaller needles. Why? Probably because I have the attention span of a gnat and smaller needles means a lot more time knitting a single project. When I found Buttercup though, which I know I have seen before in my Ravelry crackout session perusal, I just overlooked it when I saw the yardage needed and the needle size. The smallest needle I have ever made an adult garment is 7’s, and that wasn’t too bad but it was lace and kept me entertained. Miles of stockinette though? Ohhh boy. I don’t know how people consistently whip up these FO’s that are gorgeous and knit with such a tiny guage, and they LOVE IT! I have decided that since I am not a faithful mistress when it comes to knitting, and that I always have multiple projects on the needles, that this is indeed doable. I fell in love with Buttercup and I want it for my own. It might take me 2 years to knit, but I’m gonna do it.
I will work my way up (or down) to it, though…I am going to be making some baby garments on 4’s and 5’s and that will give me an idea on how it will go. I think that I will be surprised, because I have become a faster knitter, how fast it will go. Especially the mindless knitting that can be done while watching TV, waiting to pick my son up from school, waiting in various lines…
We shall see. But I am no longer intimidated when I see a small needle size on a larger project. I figure it is just another way of expanding my knitting horizons, trying something new with most projects I start!
Tags : buttercup
Date : September 11th, 2010Category : Jibber Jabber, Knitting, WIPAuthor : jawsie
I have been a blog reading freak today and came across Stash, Knit, Repeat’s blog and the Fit to Flatter series of tutorials. You can either purchase printable versions or just read from the blog posts for free. Since I am busty and seem to like all the things that really need adjustments to accommodate said boobage, I am excited about this series. Not only that, but just to learn more about my body and fits that flatter it. This of course will be post-baby, but I am still excited about it!
I am almost done with the raglan increases on Juliet…it’s going slow because I had done more LOOKING at knitting than actual knitting. I know if I really get moving on it I can make some huge strides. Seems that once I get passed the boring ole stockinette (did I mention I was doing stockinette instead of garter) and onto the lace I think I will be more motivated. Love the raglan increasing, but it just seems to take forever when you are getting close to the end of it, because of all the extra stitches. Anyways, it’s nothing you don’t already know, right?
Also, on the Domesticrafts blog, I found the poinsettia wreath from Paper Source that I must have. I loooove it. So thank you for the Christmas crack, Domesticrafts! (PS – I love your blog and pretty pictures…pleeeease update soon!!)
Tags : fitting, juliet
Date : September 8th, 2010Category : Jibber Jabber, Knitting, WIPAuthor : jawsie
So I don’t have any pictures up yet. This has been a busy week, as last week has been, too. My little man started Kindergarten yesterday. All day long I was obsessed with what he was doing, how he was doing, if he was ok, if he was scared, etc etc. That boy was SO happy to see me when I was at his door waiting for the bell to go off. But he said he had a great time and he really likes his teacher. I hope this keeps up because this morning he played that song and dance of ‘I don’t want to go to school, I don’t like it’, which was just because he was tired and wanted to stay home. I thought 11.5 hours of sleep was enough for the kid, but I guess he needs a little more. That’s ok, I will oblige my growing boy!
On the knitting front, I am taking a break from baby knits to knit myself Juliet with Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, but on smaller needles and the yarn not double. I don’t have enough of any of my yarn to double it to make this, but I love it, so here goes nothing. I am working on the raglan increases right now and so far so good. I have heard it runs a little big, so I am just making the largest size on size 9 needles in hopes that it will hold it’s shape.
I have, sometime in the last few months, lost my ipod and it’s driving me nuts. I miss listening to my podcasts while I clean and do things around the house. While I’m on my computer or knitting I can just listen from my PC, but ugh. Those things are so small, and I think mine is buried in my bedroom somewhere, possibly with the crates of yarn that I have to go through and organize. Lots to do before this baby gets here!
Tags : juliet