I have been in bed for 3 hours and can’t sleep!

OK, that was my bitch.  I am done.

I am trying to start-up a new non-knitting related site and holy crap.  I tried to go with a new webhost, and I am kicking myself in the ass for it.  I have been futzing around with the thing for 2 hours and I would like to think of myself as pretty computer savvy, but holy crap this thing is giving me a headache.  I can’t even upload FOLDERS to the damn site…files, yes, folders with 200+ files, not so much.  I am sure part of the prob is that I am tired, emotionally wrecked right now, and tomorrow is a busy day.  Argh.

In happy news…I am still working on the Jaywalkers and am to the heel flap now.  I can’t believe how quick it’s going on those small, small needles.  I suppose having to wait an hour for a glucose tolerance test would help get it done, but I am excited to get it done.  The pooling has now turned into actual a thick stripe following the pattern, so that makes me excited.  We will see if it adjusts itself again after the heel flap.  I am so enjoying this knit.

That’s about it.  I am going to TRY to crash.  We shall see!

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