All sorted and dusted

As a lovely British man I know would say.

I have finally gotten my blog to the place I have wanted it to be.  All the grunt work done, so I can just post away.  I am looking forward to getting moving on this a little more.  More than anything else this is the way I am going to document my projects, since writing them down in a notebook works really…well, not well at all.  Besides, notebooks get lost.  And the search function on them isn’t quite what wordpress provides.

I am working in my head (that scary, scary place) on doing a Friday Favorites that will showcase anything I have seen during the week that I think is fabulous and should be shared.  Should anyone happen to read this and have some ideas for this coming Friday’s Favorites posting, please, do let me know!

I know this blog gets little to no traffic, and I would like that to change just a little bit.  I don’t want hundreds of readers, but a couple here and there that remember to stop by once a week or something…I’d be a happy camper with that.


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This entry was posted onJanuary 31st, 2009 at 1:05 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can Leave a response, or Trackback.

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