Losing my fear of smaller needles
I have knit socks on size 1 and 2 needles, yes, but when it comes to bigger garments, even BABY garments, I shy away from the smaller needles. Why? Probably because I have the attention span of a gnat and smaller needles means a lot more time knitting a single project. When I found Buttercup though, which I know I have seen before in my Ravelry crackout session perusal, I just overlooked it when I saw the yardage needed and the needle size. The smallest needle I have ever made an adult garment is 7’s, and that wasn’t too bad but it was lace and kept me entertained. Miles of stockinette though? Ohhh boy. I don’t know how people consistently whip up these FO’s that are gorgeous and knit with such a tiny guage, and they LOVE IT! I have decided that since I am not a faithful mistress when it comes to knitting, and that I always have multiple projects on the needles, that this is indeed doable. I fell in love with Buttercup and I want it for my own. It might take me 2 years to knit, but I’m gonna do it.
I will work my way up (or down) to it, though…I am going to be making some baby garments on 4’s and 5’s and that will give me an idea on how it will go. I think that I will be surprised, because I have become a faster knitter, how fast it will go. Especially the mindless knitting that can be done while watching TV, waiting to pick my son up from school, waiting in various lines…
We shall see. But I am no longer intimidated when I see a small needle size on a larger project. I figure it is just another way of expanding my knitting horizons, trying something new with most projects I start!
Tags : buttercup