Fitting to Flatter? Hmm…

I have been a blog reading freak today and came across Stash, Knit, Repeat’s blog and the Fit to Flatter series of tutorials.  You can either purchase printable versions or just read from the blog posts for free.  Since I am busty and seem to like all the things that really need adjustments to accommodate said boobage, I am excited about this series.  Not only that, but just to learn more about my body and fits that flatter it.  This of course will be post-baby, but I am still excited about it!

I am almost done with the raglan increases on Juliet…it’s going slow because I had done more LOOKING at knitting than actual knitting.  I know if I really get moving on it I can make some huge strides.  Seems that once I get passed the boring ole stockinette (did I mention I was doing stockinette instead of garter) and onto the lace I think I will be more motivated.  Love the raglan increasing, but it just seems to take forever when you are getting close to the end of it, because of all the extra stitches.  Anyways, it’s nothing you don’t already know, right?

Also, on the Domesticrafts blog, I found the poinsettia wreath from Paper Source that I must have.  I loooove it.  So thank you for the Christmas crack, Domesticrafts! (PS – I love your blog and pretty pictures…pleeeease update soon!!)

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