Romeo, Romeo…wherefore art thou Romeo?

So I don’t have any pictures up yet.  This has been a busy week, as last week has been, too.  My little man started Kindergarten yesterday.  All day long I was obsessed with what he was doing, how he was doing, if he was ok, if he was scared, etc etc.  That boy was SO happy to see me when I was at his door waiting for the bell to go off.  But he said he had a great time and he really likes his teacher.  I hope this keeps up because this morning he played that song and dance of ‘I don’t want to go to school, I don’t like it’, which was just because he was tired and wanted to stay home.  I thought 11.5 hours of sleep was enough for the kid, but I guess he needs a little more.  That’s ok, I will oblige my growing boy!

On the knitting front, I am taking a break from baby knits to knit myself Juliet with Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, but on smaller needles and the yarn not double.  I don’t have enough of any of my yarn to double it to make this, but I love it, so here goes nothing.  I am working on the raglan increases right now and so far so good.  I have heard it runs a little big, so I am just making the largest size on size 9 needles in hopes that it will hold it’s shape.

I have, sometime in the last few months, lost my ipod and it’s driving me nuts.  I miss listening to my podcasts while I clean and do things around the house.  While I’m on my computer or knitting I can just listen from my PC, but ugh.  Those things are so small, and I think mine is buried in my bedroom somewhere, possibly with the crates of yarn that I have to go through and organize.  Lots to do before this baby gets here!

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