The baby’s a-comin’
He wants out. Now. He is not due for another month. This has been a rough pregnancy, I am extremely uncomfortable and I am not getting around well these days. So who knows when he will show up. Sooner rather than later, I hope though.
I have been continually working on Christmas gifts. I have abandoned the gloves that I originally was making for my brother’s friend. They were coming out too small, the yarn just wasn’t working for the project, and I just wasn’t feeling it. I can’t give away something I have made that I don’t feel 110% proud of. So I went to plan B, picked up some Cascade 150 in this gorgeous red color (which was his friends first choice anyways), and am making the Lace Panel Gloves from the Vogue Knitting Fall 2009 issue. I am almost done with the thumb increases and ready to start on the fingers. This project is giving me much more of the warm and fuzzies. It is the first time I have knit with this yarn and I ADORE it. Great stitch definition, not splitty at all, and it just knits up so nicely. I am excited to try it on another project one of these days when I’m not broke!
I still have to finish the sweater for Marie’s twin #2, and I am making a last minute hat for my son per his request that knits up on US 7’s, so it should be a fast project. It’s the Batman Hat, and I just went and bought some acrylic for it. He has several wool hats that I have made him, and I think that this hat is going to be more used to run around the house wearing his ‘Thing’ hands, a scythe, and an Iron Man costume. Yes, you read right. His outfit combos CRACK ME UP.
So I have just been knitting away, trying to stay off my feet, and ignore the contractions as much as I can. That’s about where I am right now!
Tags : baby knits, Christmas, FO, gloves, jibber jabber, kiddo, knitting, WIP