Happy New Year!
Yes, insert generic title up yonder.
My Christmas was wonderful. I actually got some yarn from my mother who is constantly riding my ass about not buying more yarn, so that put a huge smile on my face.
I just finished her ruffled scarf this afternoon, so I will post some pics of those tomorrow. I am on glove 2 for my brother’s friend, and have the index finger, thumb, and weaving in allllll those ends and I can get them off in the mail. My brother and father both showed up for Christmas and I thought it was going to be a very melancholy holiday for my mother and I. But it made it a wonderful Christmas. I told them they could take all my presents back because I had what I wanted – my family together. I found out the day before my brother was leaving (he only stayed for 3 days!) that he was indeed leaving, so I didn’t get a chance to finish the gloves to send home with him, unfortunately. But they should be done in time for me mail off on Monday. Then I only have to finish the 2nd twin sweaters and get those off. Those who know me know I am a late runner always it seems, so I am hoping that the fact that these are handmade items will lend some forgiveness.
I have been cracking out on getting caught up on Knitmore Girls, and KIPing it Real podcasts. Every night I listen to them without fail, and when I am cleaning and stuff, they are always playing. I am thoroughly enjoying both of them. It took me forever to get caught up on the CogKNITive podcast, and I did get caught up, so I found some others that I really enjoy, and the 2 mentioned above have been my onlies lately. I am listening to Jackie’s darling voice as we speak, as a matter of fact!
Johnathan’s fingerless mitts were a hit, I have some pics of them and they are so comfy on him, he LOVES them. So tomorrow, scarf FO, glove UFO update, and fingerless mitt FO pictures. I hate blogs that don’t post pics, and I am horrible at posting them. Pot calling the kettle black, much?
Back soon with more updates! I have some exciting things coming up I hope, and knitting is at the top of that list!
Tags : baby knits, Christmas, fingerless mitts, FO, jibber jabber, knitting, podcasts, scarf, WIP