Posts Tagged ‘podcasts’

Indecisiveness is killing me!

I have  sweaters worth of Cotton Fleece that I can use.  I have some other various yarns that could make me a vest or short sleeve pullover or cardy or something.  I am going to have surgery and will be off my feet for a couple weeks at least and I want to bring this knitting with me to the hospital and get going on something substantial since I will have the TIME.  I have spent about 6 hours total going through Ravelry, flip flopping back and forth, trying to decide if the Cotton Fleece is going to work for this sweater, or that sweater (my main concern is it stretching and pulling because of the cotton in it…it’s weight is it’s own enemy).  There are so many beautiful patterns out there, I just can’t decide.  I have (I think) narrowed it down to:



Sundrop Cropped Cardigan (a non-cropped version)

This version of the Tree Jacket (which I happen to have that same yarn, colorway for)

Primrose Path (love the assymetrical goodness in this, I just don’t know if I have a good yarn for it)

Olivette (if I could figure out how to knit this in worsted it would probably be my pick)





Dunedin Vest (love, LOVE, LOVE this – I am not sure I have the rght kind of yarn in my stash though)


Vine Lace Vest

Damned Twist Collective does not make my choices either.  They have so many pretty designs and it took me forever just to decide on the few that I did from there.  Then you have the IDP’s from KnitPicks, and the patterns from Webs…grrr.  It’s different when I am at home and can just dig through my books, mags, and yarn…but I think the reason I am SO indecisive is because what I bring I have to work on, or not knit at all, which will drive me nutty.  Granted it would probably be 2-3 days tops I’m there, but I knit every day.  I’m not much of a TV watcher and I think watching judge shows all day would make me crazy!

Right now Olivette and Sundrop Cardigan are at the top of my list, with Sundrop winning because I have SEVERAL yarns I know I have enough of to knit it.  Who knows.  In 2 minutes I might change my mind, so I will just stop now.

My brother’s friend that got the Vogue gloves received them today and LOVES them.  What a relief.  She actually lives in Central California, but is leaving tomorrow on vacation to New York (which I didn’t even know about!) and so the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

That’s about it, really.  I have been listening to podcasts like crazy and just trying to stay off my feet.  I have a pair of socks I am working on but I haven’t knitted on them in 2 days because I haven’t been feeling so hot.  I will probably work on them some tonight (just a plain 2×2 rib, on the heel flap of sock #1) and probably get at least the first sock done before I go in the hospital.

That’s about it.  I babbled about all the sweaters I want to knit yesterday, I feel like that is all this post is about.  It’s all the knitting I have been doing the last couple days though!  Drooling in indecisiveness!

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Happy New Year!

Yes, insert generic title up yonder.

My Christmas was wonderful.  I actually got some yarn from my mother who is constantly riding my ass about not buying more yarn, so that put a huge smile on my face.

I just finished her ruffled scarf this afternoon, so I will post some pics of those tomorrow.  I am on glove 2 for my brother’s friend, and have the index finger, thumb, and weaving in allllll those ends and I can get them off in the mail.  My brother and father both showed up for Christmas and I thought it was going to be a very melancholy holiday for my mother and I.  But it made it a wonderful Christmas.  I told them they could take all my presents back because I had what I wanted – my family together.  I found out the day before my brother was leaving (he only stayed for 3 days!) that he was indeed leaving, so I didn’t get a chance to finish the gloves to send home with him, unfortunately.  But they should be done in time for me mail off on Monday.  Then I only have to finish the 2nd twin sweaters and get those off.  Those who know me know I am a late runner always it seems, so I am hoping that the fact that these are handmade items will lend some forgiveness.

I have been cracking out on getting caught up on Knitmore Girls, and KIPing it Real podcasts.  Every night I listen to them without fail, and when I am cleaning and stuff, they are always playing.  I am thoroughly enjoying both of them.  It took me forever to get caught up on the CogKNITive podcast, and I did get caught up, so I found some others that I really enjoy, and the 2 mentioned above have been my onlies lately.  I am listening to Jackie’s darling voice as we speak, as a matter of fact!

Johnathan’s fingerless mitts were a hit, I have some pics of them and they are so comfy on him, he LOVES them.  So tomorrow, scarf FO, glove UFO update, and fingerless mitt FO pictures.  I hate blogs that don’t post pics, and I am horrible at posting them.  Pot calling the kettle black, much?

Back soon with more updates!  I have some exciting things coming up I hope, and knitting is at the top of that list!

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I swear, I have knitting ADD

I have started three sweaters/cardigans in the last few months.  THREE.  And they are all sitting there unfinished, with no plans on finishing.  So today I am going to face reality and rip them all out.

With the lack of time I have for knitting, I really have been sticking with smaller projects.  I made my mother a pair of armwarmers.  I am working on the 2nd of my sons armwarmers and should be done with them today.  And I have been knitting little mittens for my mother’s little Christmas tree like CRAZY with bits of sock yarn, and crochet cotton.  They are so easy and cute.

These are the Cafe au Lait armwarmers from Ravelry.  Great pattern, quick knit, and the FO was definitely appreciated by the recipient.

There will be no more baby knitting.  I just don’t have it in me to do it.  I am am looking for a good sweater pattern to make one for my son…all the patterns that I like seem to use size 4-ish needles and I need something more like 7 or 8 US needles for the yarn I have in mind.

I have been spending more time lately reading knitting blogs and looking at patterns on Ravelry and listening to knitting podcasts.  Usually between those 3 things I get super-inspired, but it just isn’t happening these days.

I just checked out the new Twist Collective and I am in LOVE.  There are several sweaters I want to make.  I am going to wait until the baby is born and I get rid of some of this weight.  Not only do I just not want to knit ginormous sweaters, but the yarn can go a lot further if I just wait a bit and knit when I’m smaller.  So not only health-wise is the whole losing weight thing a positive, but also it’s a bit easier on the pocketbook.

I have just been so restless and frustrated lately with everything I seem to touch.  So smaller projects that it doesn’t matter if they get ripped, if any projects at all.  Hopefully this will pass when my life is a little less hectic.  I know this is all in my head but I can’t seem to get rid of it.  Time will hopefully help.

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